Thanks for checking out our online store and reading this blog section about us. That takes quite a bit of determination to get this far. I am glad you are here! Let's start by introducing who's behind the keyboard on this one. Lucky you, it's me. Oh, you still don't know, well ok, this is Matt.
I am "The Boss" of this little business I like to call Texas Graphic Graffiti. Shhh, she might hear! Your right, I'm just a drone in the bee hive. Yes, my better half is the actual "Boss", I hang out and try to make things look cool. Mechelle is the face of this business, and thank goodness! If my face popped up everywhere, could you imagine, that would be creepy.
With all that said and since we all know I'm in charge, we will save the best for last. So a little about Mechelle; just kidding. So, I'm Matt, I grew up in a small village in northwest Longview called Spring Hill, where I attended the local education hub and earned my high school diploma. I was an athlete and also a member of the Yearbook Staff, where I was promoted through the ranks of my fellow staffers and earned the role of Editor. Ok, again hear me out, I wasn't "The Editor, but a co-editor, again having to share the stage with yet another member of the opposite sex, nonetheless, an Editor, more so the photo editor, for which I held that title for 3 years. I also worked for the Longview News Journal as a staff photographer during my senior year.
I decided that I didn't want to be a newsman and chase the next story. I wanted to be a part of the story, where the action was. Now 25 years later, I've worked in security, as a fireman, an EMT, a tech in the ER, and law enforcement. Helping people has been my passion my whole life. I am now 14 years in as a Police Officer and couldn't imagine doing anything different.
Now we come full circle, and I am back doing design as a side job. Yes, I am the design guy, Mechelle has an idea and I attempt to bring it to life; so I am like a digital EMT!
Well enough about me, let's introduce the real go-getter of Texas Graphic Graffiti, Mechelle Graham.
Mechelle, Mechelle, Mechelle, where do we start? If any who knows her, can already tell you she's a hard worker. She has been like that her whole life. We also know she is the smartish one of us two. You know, a couple of college degrees and teaching school and stuff. She also has a knack for making stuff look good, Hey, I don't count! But she definitely has an eye for style!
Mechelle and I graduated together from that same small village in Northwest Longview, Spring Hill. She went on a earn her degrees from an Okie University before coming back to East Texas to marry me. She is so lucky! So what does Mechelle do at Texas Graphic Graffiti? Well, everything! She's the Facebook Queen of online marketing and pushing products. She has a gift of interpersonal communication, which I seem to lack at times. She also handles all the ordering, pressing, and delivering of everything. So it's probably 90/10 on the workload. So, 90 percent of the time she's telling me what to do and I may only hear 10 percent.
Okay, now a little more personal stuff. We have been married for over 10 years, and between us, we have 5 kids. The youngest is 7 and the oldest weighs in at 17!
With school, work, kids' activities, and our business, we stay very busy, like so busy that just being busy would be a break!
At the end of the day, we wouldn't have anything any other way. We love our jobs, we love our kids, sometimes, and most of all we love our customers! Without you guys, we'd be making no shirts and probably have time to sit down. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and thank you for supporting us!